Building Smarter

Building For Tomorrow

Building a Healthy Home with Modular Construction

Step Away from The Kitset Stereotypes

A modular home is not your typical kitset. While the modular designs make them simple and speedy to build, our eco-homes are not just cookie-cutter constructions made from cheap and underperforming materials—as some kitsets can be.

Our modular home designs are flexible, adaptable and can be mixed and matched to create the home of your dreams. What’s more, they are made from top-notch materials that bring with them a whole host of benefits to the homeowner. Find out more about what a modular home can offer.

Quality Beyond the Kitset

The idea that a modular or prefabricated home is flimsy and not as well-constructed as one built directly onsite is a misconception. Our modular homes are not lacking in engineering or clever design thought. They are not simple, bland boxes lacking in character. In fact, they have been carefully designed to balance affordability, quality, and low carbon footprints.

Greenhaven Homes’ plans include an array of different looks, far from the characterless boxes that may spring to mind when thinking of kitset homes. Prefabrication in a factory setting keeps costs and build times low, definitely—allowing the opportunity for higher-quality materials to be used.

Friendly to The Environment, Your Health, and Your Wallet

Our modular homes focus on using materials and designs which will provide a warm, dry, and extremely liveable home. We aim to produce houses that come as close to the “passive home” standard as possible, which means taking full advantage of natural heating and cooling through clever design and premium materials.

How exactly are modular homes made to be as healthy as possible? There are myriad ways: low-VOC paints, non-toxic glues and stains, above-code insulation made from recycled plastic bottles, and thermal mass flooring areas to name a few. Not only does this mean a great environment for the home’s inhabitants, but many of the measures—particularly those intended to regulate temperatures—reduce running costs, meaning a much lower power bill. Varying degrees of “off-the-grid” systems can be added to a Greenhaven build on request, cutting costs and carbon footprints even more.

Customisable Options

A prefabricated home doesn’t have to be your typical one-size-fits-all kitset. Part of creating a healthy home is ensuring that it fits the intended occupants and also its location—this might mean opting for a layout that makes the most of the weather, or considering the prevailing weather conditions and how that might influence which materials are best used.

Greenhaven modular homes can all be adapted to suit the requirements of the owner and any restraints imposed by the building site. There is even an expert eco-focused architectural service available to ensure that each new home is as healthy and functional as possible.

Modular homes break out of the stereotypical kitset mould. They are high-quality, well-designed, and customisable homes that can provide a healthy environment for any household, in any location. They offer all of this with the convenience and fast build times that come with a degree of prefabrication.

If you’re interested in a modular home build, start by requesting to see our floor plans. If you’d like to discuss how we can help you to design and realise your ideal modular home, get in touch. We are passionate about building premium quality, healthy homes for Kiwis all over this beautiful nation, and the members of our talented team are experts in every aspect of the build process.

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